Western countries which are commonly developed country for many decades practicing democracy in their government. Even though, the term of democracy itself has multi-facets of interpretation, however influencing expert such as Huntington, simplify it (in Bartley, et. al., 1993, p. 28) to become “a means of constituting authority in which the ruled choose the ruler”. Substantive democracy constitutes the adult populations which are eligible to vote their representatives in fair, hones and periodic elections as the real ruled. For the purpose of this essay, democracy will be defined as substantive democracy in which going to election only one indicator to measure the essential implementation of democracy.
Furthermore, many factors basically as nature of democracy such as political freedom, freedom of expression and free press. These principles are reflected in all citizens’ right that are being equal before the law and having equal access to power and liberties which are commonly protected by a state constitution. However, many countries in Asia substantively are not democratic country but could be identified through their advanced achievement in development. This essay will argue that democracy is not a precondition for, but necessarily needed by the mature developed country.